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universidade lusófona

2º webinar gratuito "How to build a startup" (biotecnologia e empreendedorismo)!

Have you heard about the international EU-funded project Blue Bio Techpreneurs?

Our project aims to help students turn toward careers in Blue Biotech by equipping them with entrepreneurial and transversal skills in high demand in the sector. Via a MOOC, three Hackathons and a webinar series we aim to inform, inspire, and connect students with opportunities.

We believe students at your institution could be interested in these actions, and we would be thankful if you could share this information with them.

The new Blue Bio Techpreneurs Webinar series, “Transferring the Business Gene”, might just be what someone needs to kick-off their ideas and a brilliant career!


The second webinar of the series “Hot to build a startup” is just around the corner, on 23 April 2024 (11 am, CET). Experts who charted the waters of entrepreneurship will share their stories!

Register for the webinar on our website and stay up to date on all the opportunities available to you by following us on LinkedIn..

Do not hesitate to reach out with any questions you may have.