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universidade lusófona

ESPA Internship in UK!

Looking for an internship in the UK?
Then you must know ESPA. Since 2012, we've helped thousands of students into internships in a rigorous process to be hired for one of our supported internships in various fields, and you can be the next . Click on the button below and find out how. 

ESPA will support with:

4+ months supported internships ✅
Erasmus grant eligible ✅
Visa application process handled on your behalf ✅
No ESPA management fee ✅

All our internships include:
✅ Accommodation. Each student will have a private bedroom, in a professional
house share, paid for the entire internship duration.
✅ Visa support. We will prepare the certificate of sponsorship for each selected
individual and guide them on the Visa application.
✅ Pastoral Care. before and during the mobility. A personalised welcome pack
as well as a 24/7 helpline is available to each ESPA intern.

Our internships are all applicable for Erasmus+ funding. The United Kingdom is
a partner country in the programme and 20% of allocated funds to a University
can be spent on mobilities outside the 33 Erasmus+ countries. The decision to
allocate the grant is made by the University.

Since Brexit, every student needs a VISA to enter the UK for an internship. Thanks
to our expertise on the matter, we have been able to directly manage the process
with a 100% success rate. This has made it as simple as possible for the students
and does not require any University administration involvement.

How to Get in Touch?

Click here and see!